Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Rio Photos

Uploading photos is not fast at all with this internet connection, but I couldn't help but share with you some of our Rio trip.

Here amy and I are on top of the world with Jesus. The view from the top gives you a 360 of all of Rio's hilly and coastal terrain

We had a picnic lunch amongst the shady foliage of Parque Lage. On the menu was bread and a sun-dried tomatoe spread, mozzarella cheese, a cucumber, with mangos and cookies for dessert.

Despite the prediction of a rainy Wednesday the sun melted us to exhaustion today. Here we are at the Lapa Steps that are tiled and mosaic-ed by a Chilean man Salaron. He was working on them while we visiting and obliged us with a picture. These steps were the inspiration for the steps in San Francisco.

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