So my final world travels concluded with a week-long cruise in Greece and Turkey with my extended family. I had to cut the trip short because I had to return to LA for three intense summer classes and 'boot camp' for Spirit Squad.
Greece lived up to every dream I wanted it to be. I have wanted to go there forever. Santorini was so picturesque with the white buildings clinging to the steep cliffs towering over the turquoise sea. Athens was also great, and I was overflowing with Art History facts. Turkey was simply awesome. I really had no expectations for what Turkey would be like, but I loved it. The vibe, the people, the history...I can't wait to go back.
Unfortunately I dropped my camera within the first hour of being in Greece (and that hour was spent on a bus getting to town from the airport) and the screen has turned completely blank. The camera can still take photos, just I let my mom do the photography and have no photos to post.
My flight back was pretty awful. It was supposed to be a 10.5 hour flight from Athens to NYC. Usually I just sleep on planes but I couldn't fall asleep. There were no even remotely interesting movies playing and I didn't like my book. So I just sat there listening to the cacophony of crying infants who put to sound how miserable I felt. About an hour away from New York, we get word from Air Traffic Control that we need to wait our turn and begin circling over the ocean for AN HOUR. Awful. Not only does circling make you feel ill, I was not emotionally prepared to sit a minute longer in my chair. The map with the airplane looked like a child had scribbled in circles on it over the atlantic ocean. Anyway, after 12 hours we finally land. But it takes another 45 minutes to get off the plane because we have to get taxied by a people mover and they won't let people off the plane...
I had about 45 minutes to make my connection to CA so I begin sprinting through the airport, and had my first experience with rude and inconsiderate New Yorkers. I got yelled at for running by some man because he didn't want me to cut him in line. By the time I get through passport control (JFK airport is probably the least efficient airport ever) I had about 20 minutes till my flight left. Delta wouldn't let me through security because they said it was too late, I would miss my flight.
I had to rebook, and the only flight they could put me on was one for the NEXT DAY, through Atlanta. Oh and NO, they wouldn't compensate for the hotel for the night because it 'wasn't their fault.' Between exhaustion, frustration, and loneliness, I just started crying. Then my cell phone didn't even work since we were underground so I couldn't call my father. Finally I get through to him and gave me the strength to pull myself together and find a hotel. I stayed at the Ramada by the airport which was expensive but crappy. I was starving and could not stand staying a moment longer in the hotel room with peeling paint and chipped wood dressers. So with a little help from my NYC saavy friends, I hopped on the Metro into Manhattan.
I'm glad I did because it totally changed my opinion of NY (which up to this point could be described in three words that were repeating in my head 'I hate NY, I hate NY'). I got off at 5th avenue to the hustle and bustle of the city-- The gorgeous skyscrapers in the evening light.And the energy and excitement of city life. It was classy and clean, and I recognized so many things from movies and tv shows. I explored a small corner of Central Park before the sun set. Then I walked down to Times Square and gaped at the deep city lights, and the flashing show signs. I loved it. The temperature was perfect and everyone was enjoying their Saturday night out. I ate a DELICOUS sandwich at a cute NY Deli and was going to top it off with a Hunkin slice of cheese cake (but ended up with a brownie since the cheese cake was just too big).
I can't wait to go back!
Here is my blind photography from NY. I didn't crop any of the shots, this was the way I blindly took them.
Hi, Dans,
Great photos, especially for shooting blind! I particularly like the first two.
Too bad about this experience on the one hand. But then you wouldn't have gotten a taste of New York if not for the flight problems.
So, some good can even come out of bad experiences.
- abba
the blind aspect of your photos definitely comes through. I think they look non-schooled, and erratically framed and this makes them kind of fresh.
Hopefully we'll chat soon
Daniela, great "blind" photography! I am happy to hear of the great outcome of your BAD flight ordeal!!!
New York is GREAT, especially with good weather. We loved it as well. Happy you are home and safe!
Love u.
Auntie Leza
p.s. Josh got delayed with turmoil and a very expensive flight home from Rome....I AM HAPPY HE IS NOW HOME AS WELL!!!
see you soon!
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