Famous Morpho Butterfly (very hard to photograph because they rarely open their wings when they aren't flying)

Mischievous White Faced Cappuchin Monkey about to steal Bananas from the corner store

Howler Monkey (Mono Congo)

Leaf Cutter Ants (who cut as much vegetation in a day as a cow eats!)

Atlas Beetle (2nd heaviest beetle in the world, and yes it is about 5 inches in length)


Beetle with cool antenae

The SCORPION that we found strolling over the wrinkles in the sheets in the dead center of Mom and Abba's bed yesterday

Coati Mundi (relative to the North American Racoon)

Olingo stealing nectar from a humming bird feeder

The Tapir (google-image Tapir to get an idea of what this strange half-ton elephant crossed with pig looks like)

Poison Dart Frog endemic to the Osa Peninsula and very rare to see

Gaudy Leaf Frog, this frog is not poisonous although it is nocturnal

Red and Green Poison Dart Frog

Leaping Lizards! (Slender Anole) These guys leaped like crazy if you got near


Highly Poisonous eyelash viper (very small)


Sandcrab. These guys are super shy, they crack me up


Cow (afterall, Monteverde is based upon the dairy industry)


Three toed sloth

Grey Fox

Bare-Throated Tiger-Heron

Oro Pendula Birds and their intricately woven nests

Pava Negra (Black Guan)

Violet Sabrewing Hummingbird

Hummingbird Nest with 2 eggs

Roufus Tailed Hummingbird taking a little rest

Emerald Toucanette

Scarlet Macaw

Quetzal! This special iridescent bird is not easy to spot. We saw them this weekend up in the Monteverde Cloud Forest where they migrate through at this time of year. We saw were three males who were sort of fighting and one female who looks the same except she does not have the ruby red chest)

(taken through binoculars)
d- your photos are incredible!! i cannot believe you guys found that scorpion in mom's bed!! gross...bet you don't want to go to bed after that one! how did you possibly take the underside of that one frog, it looks like he is walking on glass, and somehow you got underneath him, either that, or he took a flying leap over your head and you were able to capture him in mid flight!!
this is so amazing. some of these pictures are natty geographic status. and yea how did u get that frog picture? one of my super marine eco bio friends did EAP in costa rica a couple years ago and i was telling him today about your other frog pic, the dart arrow one? and he was super impressed too!
dude, those are maravilhosa! i seriously wonder how you managed to get some of those shots. and I agree with Nina... totally natty geographic status ;)
ok I'm going to guess about the frog pic. At night and he was on a window and you shot it from the inside? in any case, ooooo's and aaaaaa's are appropriate here.
Okay, so here's the answer. The frog was in a terrarium (at the Monteverde Ranario). We were visiting at night, with a guide. The frog was on the glass wall (inside the terrarium); we were, of course, on the outside. Illumination was provided with a flashlight. (!!) The photo was shot using a pocket camera, a Nikon CoolPix, using a macro setting to allow closeup focusing. I steadied my hand to prevent jitter by resting it on the glass. I took several shots of frogs at the Ranario this way; a few turned out great. Ingrid says, "It was like shooting frogs in a barrel!"
Awesome, National Geo photos!!!!!
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