Today I had my Capoeira Batizado. Literally 'batizado' means baptism, but in Capoeira terms it is the day that you get your Capoeira belt. Everyone has a belt to signify their level/skill.A few
weeks prior I was given a Capoeira name as well. Mine is Sereia which means Mermaid in Portuguese. After you get presented with your belt everyone must play with a mestre or other highly skilled capoerista.
I was really nervous because you play until they beat you by either pushing you out of the roda (circle), or by knocking your standing foot out from underneath you, and some people the pick them all the way up off the ground. Anyway, it was really much more fun than nerve wracking, and I performed well. The Batizado lasted all day for there were tons of people receiving belts. It started with the little kids. They were so adorable. Some of them were probably no more than 5 years old and already they were doing head spins and cartwheels. It was a gorgeous and hot summer Sunday. And the nervous but excited energy in the room fondly reminded me of Skating Competitions.
This is my favorite little kid. He trains with us in the evening (most of the kids go to daytime classes) and is SUPER good:
The whole celebration ended with a Samba de Roda and a meal (Fejoada com farofa and arroz). Of course as soon as we were sitting around and socializing the boys began playing the drums and everyone joins in with their own beat (whether playing a real instrument or just tapping the table). I swear, Bahians come out of the womb playing the drums. The music is everywhere and enjoying music means participating.
Capoeira has really been a defining part of my trip here in Brazil Not only playing Capoeira in its birthplace (Salvador), but also we have made pretty good friends with the other capoeristas. We hang out with them outside of class and they provide me with an opportunity to use my Portuguese.
P.S. Yes, I got my hair braided yesterday for fun. It took over two hours!!
1 comment:
your hair looks amazing!! such a brazilenia now!! im excited for you with all your mad capoeira skills--you will have to teach me soon!
so, rumor has it you arent gonna finish the year at UCLA, instead you are gonna romp the world with mom and abs? good for you!! cant wait to see you in january- hoping you might have time to come down and work with my students- i have the beginning incling of a plan, and you are involved!
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