1. We climbed to the top of this Chapada (plateau). The view from the top was amazing. The land expanded around me green and flat except the outcroppings of rock chapadas. Literally there was not a town or inhabitance as far as the eye could see. This land was once underwater.
2. Here I am doing a cartwheel at the top
3. The wind was very strong. We were on top of the world!
4. Friday afternoon, after hiking up the chapada, we went to "O Posso do Pato" to swim. Unfortunately it was cloudy and evening so our ganas to get in the water was not so strong. However, once we arrived it was so beautiful we jumped into the cold water--you just had to be a part of it.
5.On Saturday morning we hiked through some underground caves. They were made by subterranean rivers. The orange color in the rocks is due to iron deposits
6.Inside the cave there was some stalactites and stalagmites forming. This one is called the Angel...I thought it looked like nature's version of the Winged Nike!
7. Here we are climbing out. (We had to walk through the cave with a lantern, but once we saw light coming from the exit I immediately thought of the red 'puter saying "the light that you see at the end of the tunnel, is the head light of a fast approaching train")
8..After that hike we went down to "Posso de Diablo." This was another amazing water hole. To get there you have to traipse over large rocks and boulders. We ziplined down from the top into the water.
9.On Sunday, we only had a half day. We took another hour hike to this natural waterslide. The slide was sooo much fun! It was like tobagoning but in water. Click on the picture to enlarge it and see a person on their way down.
Everything is gorgeous and I am so jealous that I am going to go plan my spring break right now and I'm going to make sure I see something good. Miss you and hope you are still having the time of your life. expect and email from me soon.
Daniela~ it is such a beautiful area. The water slide reminds me of Emerald Bay in Yosemite, just above Vernal Falls...The water surge is quite strong, no ripped shorts?
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